As we strive to uphold our Editorial Policy we will be open and responsive to all feedback.
- Anyone can contact and engage any contributor through a link on the relevant post page
- Anyone can lodge a complaint in writing on the relevant post page of the site;
- The complainant must provide their name, contact details, and reference the aspect of the Editorial Policy they believe has been violated;
- If the Yetu moderators decide the complaint is potentially a major violation of the Mamela Editorial Code, they may remove the post immediately from the site until the complaint has been resolved.
- The Yetu moderators may decide if the complaint has no merit, in which case: they will inform the complainant that no further action will be taken; and that the complainant has the right to pursue the matter with the Human Rights Commission, through the courts, or through any other forum they deem appropriate;
- If the Yetu moderators decide the complaint requires further consideration:
- The complainant will be informed that an investigation has been launched;
- The Organisation concerned will be provided with a copy of the complaint and given a week to submit a response;
- The Yetu moderators may enter into correspondence with the Organisation to seek clarity or gather additional information, in which case the Organisation will have a week to respond to each correspondence.
- The Yetu moderators may approach the complainant or any third parties to gather additional information;
- If the Yetu moderators then decide the complaint has no merit, they will inform the complainant and the Organisation that no further action will be taken. The complainant will be informed that they have the right to pursue the matter with the Human Rights Commission, through the courts, or though ny other forum they deem appropriate;
- If the post has been removed from the site it will be be republished;
- If the moderators decide the complaint has merit, they may:
- In the case of a minor violation:
- Issue the Organisation with a written warning;
- The warning will remain in place for 12 months;
- In the case of a major violation
- Permanently remove the offending post from the site
- Suspend the offending organisation from publishing to Mamela for up to 12 months
- Expel offending organisation from Mamela permanently
- In the case of a minor violation:
- In the case of any action, both the Organisation and complainant will be informed in writing
- Offences will be considered major if:
- A third minor offence within a 12 months;
- The offence constitutes gross negligence in terms of truthfulness
- The offence constitutes hate speech or incitement to war as per the SA Constitution.
- All decisions of the Yetu moderators can be appealed to the Yetu General Secretary within a week stating the basis for the appeal.
- The General Secretary will review all correspondence and may collect additional information;
- The General Secretary will make a ruling within 1 month of the appeal being lodged;
- The General Secretary’s ruling will be final;
- Both the Organisation and complainant will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal;
- A record of all correspondence will be kept on file.
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